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JFlo gets his lyrics published!


Rona Tutt OBE, former President of The National Association of Headteachers has been in touch to ask if she can use some of Josh aka JFlo lyrics in a book she's co-writing. JFlo is a young music producer and rapper currently studying Level 2 Music Technology at LAMP. One of his pieces was published in the LAMP 2019 Winter Journal where Rona spotted it, shortly after meeting LAMP Director Timothy Ellis at his talk at the National Autistic Society Professionals Conference back in February. The book, titled How to Maximise Emotional Wellbeing and Improve Mental Health: The essential guide to establishing a whole-school ethos is due to be published next year by Routledge. The book also includes a short case study of LAMP.

Image taken from JFlo video - 'Blood and Bones'.



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