Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy, storytelling game that allows players to solve puzzles, battle monsters, and complete quests, all while using their imagination - the perfect game for our creative students.
If you're not familiar with D&D, it goes as follows; the Dungeon Master creates a fantastical adventure for the group to follow, everyone in the group decides their characters and the decisions they'd make, you roll your dice, maybe cast a spell and find out what happens next from your DM. D&D is typically played in a small group, around a table, so it's the perfect outlet for autistic young people to develop their communication skills and to get to know their peers.
D&D is every Tuesday from 3.15pm to 4pm and is delivered by Luke, one of our Preparation for Adulthood teachers.
Use the link below to learn more about our after school clubs and their benefits for our young people.