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Meet Andrea, Our Newest Staff Member

On Wednesday 7th March Andrea Kampta will start as our new Speech & Language Therapist. For the rest of the school year, she will be in on Wednesday mornings. You can read her full staff profile here.

Andrea also works at Nothleigh House School, so some of our students will already be familiar with her.

From her bio: "I have worked with very young children through to teenagers/ young adults in a wide range of different settings such as children's centres and schools (mainstream/ special/ specialist provisions) etc. My areas of specialist interest include ASD, deafness (I'm fascinated by the linguistics of sign language) and developmental language disorders."

If you or your child attends Lamp and want to know more about S

peech & Language Therapy, you are welcome to ask for details in the monthly progress review meetings.

What is Speech & Language Therapy?

"Speech and language therapy provides treatment, support and care for children and adults who have difficulties with communication, or with eating, drinking and swallowing.

Speech and language therapists (SLTs) are allied health professionals. They work with parents, carers and other professionals, such as teachers, nurses, occupational therapists and doctors. There are around 17,000 practising SLTs in the UK working in a wide variety of settings." - From the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists

You can read more about SaLT here.

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