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Pip Burley


Deputy DSL

After studying Music Composition at Dartington College of Arts (2010) and The Technology of Music at the Open University (2012), I started teaching as an instrumental tutor in mainstream secondary schools. I progressed on to a part time position at Kernow Music School, and taught GCSE and BTEC Music at Trinity Catholic School.


In 2014, I cofounded Leamington Lamp, through a desire to increase opportunities for SEND students that don’t fit in mainstream education. In my capacity as head of the Music faculty I helped Lamp achieve Direct Claims status with NCFE for Music Technology (2015) and Music Performance (2017). I also helped achieve this with Computer Games Development (2016).


Outside of education I have worked as Musical Director for Swamp, a contemporary circus in Falmouth (2009, 2011, 2012), and run an independent music venue (2013-14). I compose and perform with indie rock band The Rosenberg Appeal, and am actively engaged in local politics and community events, having helped organise the Leamington Underground Cinema Festival, and the Leamington Camouflage Festival.

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LAMP Learning

Riverside, Adelaide Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 5AH

01926 886699


Leamington LAMP Ltd. Reg - 08676549

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